Process Driven Digital Marketing.

Process Driven Digital Marketing.

Encapsulating all the process to smoothly run digital business is a must. If all process adhering to digital marketing are properly connected and they start to communicate with one another seamlessly the output grows exponentially. A common question that triggers in mind is how do we achieve this?

Process driven marketing is like running a manufacturing unit that is working in silos and understands that if one silo fails to deliver another unit may not function properly. In the world of digital marketing we can imagine each channel as one silo. If we breakdown the year objective to achieve the growth goal equally among each channels and we start the process, we would overtime realize that if one channel breaks we will not be ready to compensate the loss occurred due to lack of backup channel.

In digital world people tend to shop across various channel and not being present across multiple channel would lead towards lack of visibility. People always have their favorite channel to go and seek information. It is not always good idea to relay on just one channel rather the approach should be multi-channel. There are various businesses that we see relay on only one organic channel. And danger of relaying on organic traffic is like letting others control your business. They at any point of time can pull the plug and the business is left in awe.

Process driven approach in digital marketing is good as each silo works on their on and even if one silo breaks there is certainty that business won’t stop. It will continue to run although the output might slowdown. And if there are opportunity we can always add additional silos to support the business. In digital sense we see people as unique entity across these silos and we can market them across the silos even if one channel is broken. The only caveat is people should be using alternative channel that are using to market them.